Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Book Blog #2, Vango

Vango: Between Sky and Earth                       Historical fiction                     by Timothée de Fombelle

Vango by Timothée de FombelleVango Romano and his caretaker mademoiselle washed up on the beach of a small set of islands  many years ago and they were taken under the wing of local townspeople many years ago. Since then, he has explored and learned the ways of the islands. One fateful day he gets washed off of the islands and into a new chapter of his life. He is about to become a priest several years later when he is incorrectly framed for a murder. The police are after him and he has to run. He goes many places, to hide, and meets many new people. He revisits many people, and gains many friendships, all while having a price on his head. He eventually finds refuge, but he learns more about his past than he ever wanted to know.

I did enjoy this book even though it was hard to follow. I struggled to understand a lot of the time jumps in the book, because the setting and the date changed so frequently. I think that this book was interesting because there were so many different locations and settings set into one story. I also think that for some of the setting jumps they happened too fast, and some of the many separate stories that were told in the book got jumbled and not enough time was spent on them.

The Quincunx     by Chales Palliser
Ape House     by Sara Gruen
The Shining     by Stephen King
Pride and Prejudice     by Jane Austen
Crewel     by Gennifer Albin

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