Thursday, August 25, 2016

Book Blog #5, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child p1- 2

Harry Potter 8: The Cursed Child                        Fantasy/ Harry Potter                       by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
19 years later, Harry is the Minister of Magic, with his youngest son Albus leaving for his first year at Hogwarts. Albus struggles with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. When he gets placed in an unexpected house and he becomes best friends with Draco's son, much to his father's displeasure. When Albus is rejected by Harry, and when he overhears Cedric's father talking about how he wants his son back, he thinks that he can make his father proud and do the wizarding world a favor. When his plans go wrong and one of his accomplices goes rogue, him and his father have to work together to save the wizarding world, and leave their quarrels behind. With everything at stake the fate of the world rests on Albus' shoulders. Will he be able to survive?

I personally really liked this book. I think that it didn't read like the other books because it was written in script form, but it did still add onto the story. I found it interesting that because it was only dialogue, the book focused so much more on the relationships between characters, which really helped build the storyline, especially when extreme things happened. As far as the settings, it was really well described for the format. I also think that while it didn't directly add onto the original story, it worked well because it read as a separate story. It was nearly impossible to put this book down because most of it was cliffhangers, which worked well for the story. Overall, this was a really good book and a good addition to the fandom of Harry Potter.

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